The CSP are planning to develop tailored resources and training to support the physiotherapy workforce to transform practice and reduce health inequalities.
Addressing health inequalities is an essential part of high-quality physiotherapy services and person-centred care to meet population health needs.
The CSP are planning to develop tailored resources and training to support the physiotherapy workforce to transform practice and reduce health inequalities. We need your help in understanding current knowledge and confidence in applying quality improvement and evidence-based practice to address health inequalities. What has helped learning so far? What support and resources would help develop learning in these areas further and apply it in practice?
Here is a short video from Abi Henderson, Head of Practice Improvement at the CSP explaining more about the project.
We really value the perspectives of different network members who can bring a wealth of diverse insight from a wide range of sectors, specialisms and areas of physiotherapy practice from across the UK to shape this work.
Therefore we would be most grateful if you would share this survey with your membership. Here is the link to the survey- closed.
The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. It is open now and will close on Friday 4 August and is part of a suite of insight gathering tools that the CSP is using to inform this work.
Thank you for taking the time to hear about this CSP project and sharing the network survey with your members. Please find below an example of a promotional email and Tweet that may be of help with doing this.
Should you have any questions about the project, please do not hesitate to contact me –
Many thanks and kind regards
Clare Aldridge
MCSP PGCert BSc (Hons)| Professional Adviser (South Central Region)
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)
Number of subscribers: 1