Year published: 2013
Describing the values, behaviours, knowledge & skills of physiotherapists working with people in pain – A consultation October 2013
The Physiotherapy Pain Association (PPA) have been working in partnership with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) to develop a framework to describe the levels of skill an expertise amongst physiotherapists working with those experiencing pain. The first draft of this document is currently out for consultation with members of both organisations and we hope to use the feedback from this consultation to shape the next phase of revisions.
We have started the consultation process early as we wish to use the member views to steer and shape the document before the project direction becomes too fixed. We are really grateful for your time in responding to this consultation process.
Skills competencies were published in the Journal of Pain and Rehabilitation to provide support for the acquisition of knowledge and skills for physiotherapists working in pain management (Knott, Sowden, Newton-Cross 2012). The Physiotherapy Pain Association supported this piece of work and are keen to extend it by developing a framework document describing levels of expertise of clinicians treating patients with pain. This will then be used to develop a clinical skills competency document. With the support of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), a working party has been developed, which includes representation from the CSP. The competency framework document is now at a consultation stage and we are inviting you to contribute to this process to maximise its validity and usefulness.
Purpose of this Document
The primary role of this document is to provide a reference point for managers and physiotherapists plus other stakeholders e.g. commissioners, to understand the scope of managing patients with pain across the range of experience in physiotherapy: from newly qualified to expert. It is also the aim to provide a reference point for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as it describes the knowledge and skills expected of newly qualified physiotherapists across the spectrum of pain management. Generic physiotherapy competencies are referenced only if they are relevant to the management of patients with pain.
Plan for Future Work
This framework document will provide a basis for the development of clinical skills competencies within different specialities across the pain management spectrum, from newly qualified staff on their first rotation or placement to highly specialised and extended roles of working.
- Document development Jan-Sept 2013
- Consultation process within physiotherapy Nov-Dec 2013
- Revision Jan-April 2014
- BPS presentation and workshop: start of
- multi-professional and international
- physiotherapy consultation April 2014
- Revision May-September 2014
- Physio UK launch October 2014
- Start on specific competencies November 2014
Development Committee
- Dr Heather Cameron
- Paul Cameron
- Martin Hey
- Linda Knott
- Gwyn Owen
- Gail Sowden
- Sarah Wilson (Chair)
Please forward all feedback forms and any other queries to Sarah Wilson at