PPA 2013 Accounts Summary
PPA and PPAN Treasurer Reports 2013 - for AGM
Save the Date: 1st CSP Evidence Guidance Update 2014
CAHPR - AHP Research Hub
PPA AGM 2014 - Reports for Voting
PPA Committee Officer Reports 2013/ 2014
Prepared for the AGM held October 2013, ICC, Birmingham
Chairman’s report
Well another year completed and it is always a time to take stock and reflect on how this time has passed. As is customary, I would like to thank all involved for their contributions large
PPA AGM Agenda and Committtee Posts and Vacancies
Physiotherapy Pain Association Annual General Meeting 2014
Friday 10th October 2014, 6pm
International Convention Centre, Birmingham. Room - TBC
Safe and Effective Staffing Levels for Physio Departments - CSP Project
McKenzie MDTP Conference - “Do words speak louder than actions?”: The importance of communication in changing health behaviour and improving treatment outcomes.
The Assessment of Pain in Older People: Publication consultation - Deadline 1st October
Dear Member,
We are pleased to announce that the publication 'The Assessment of Pain in Older People: National Guidelines 2nd Edition’, is now open for consultation and all members are invited to comment.
Attached to this email you will find the draft document along with a comment form. Please return