Dear PPA member
You are being invited to participate in a pre-reg MSc (Hons) research project to identify current physio-therapeutic treatment modalities in use in the UK, for the management of phantom limb pain following amputation.
The aim of this research is to conduct an online survey of physiotherapists likely to be involved in the treatment of amputees with phantom limb pain, to ascertain what techniques are currently in use to manage the condition. It also aims to establish clinician perspectives regarding the effectiveness of any treatments identified. It is expected that this information may be useful to inform future physiotherapist management of phantom pain.
You are invited to participate in this study because you have been identified as a physiotherapist currently working in an amputation or pain management centre, or other service in which amputees might be managed or treated in a healthcare setting. If you have no experience treating phantom limb pain, but work in a setting described above, your participation would still be appreciated.
Please find attached a participant information sheet, designed to provide all information relevant to participation in this study. It is important that you read this short document before starting the survey. The survey will be conducted and submitted exclusively online using ‘SurveyMonkey’ software, and should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. It can be found at:
It would be greatly appreciated if you could complete the attached survey by Monday 10th April 2017.
Results of the survey may be provided to you upon completion if you wish. Your participation would be much appreciated, and may help shape the way amputees are treated for ongoing phantom pain.
All collated information and data obtained in connection with this study, will be treated as privileged and confidential. All survey responses and associated documents will be stored in a secure area and will not be released to any unauthorised person(s) without consent. Your anonymity will also be maintained- the survey does not ask for personal details such as your name, email address, or place of work.
This study has been approved by the Brunel University London Ethics Committee (Reference: 5087-LR-Feb/2017- 6253-2)
Kind regards
Adam Taylor
Brunel University London
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