Submission Guidelines for Pain and Rehabilitation

Pain and Rehabilitation is a peer-reviewed, biannual journal of the Physiotherapy Pain Association.


The journal editors, Chris Seenan and Cormac Ryan, welcome articles for publication in the journal.

Pain and Rehabilitation invites papers in the following categories: Original research, systematic and scoping reviews or meta-analysis, theoretical or debate articles (aim for 3000 words excluding abstract and references, with a limit of 40 references); brief reports (750 words and 1 table/figure, with a limit of 10 references); technical reports (1000-2000 words, with a limit of 20 references); and Letters to the Editor (400 words). While most of our editorials are commissioned, we also welcome editorials that deal with current or controversial topics (1000 words).

Please ensure that submissions conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, issued by the International Committee for Medical Journal Editors (J Am Med Assoc 1997;277:927-934)

Pain and Rehabilitation supports the principles of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), which oblige the highest standards of practice on all participants in scientific research and publishing. It is recognised that it may not be possible to identify or be aware of all transgressions to the code of practice. Complaints to this journal are dealt with by the Editorial Board in line with COPE's code of practice.

Submission Guidance

Before you Begin - Ethics, rights and responsibilities

Preparation for submission


After Acceptance


Author Enquiries 

Please contact the Editors if you have any questions related to your submission. 

E-mail: or

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