How do we take action to address the inequalities we see in every level of practice?
The Physiotherapy Pain Association recognises the inequalities that exist in society and is aware that action is required to create a more just and equal society where everyone can thrive.
Jackie Walumbe (PPA Vice Chair, Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow) contributed to three podcasts on ‘Changing the culture of conversations for New AHP Leaders' with Rachel Moses @AHPLeader. The first podcast offers clinicians with white privilege an opportunity to reflect on the experiences of AHPs who identify as Black, or from other minority ethnicities. The second highlights examples of how to be an ally within the workplace. The third explores pre-registration education including recruitment and fostering an inclusive learning environment. The podcasts demonstrate the work White people in the profession need to do - address unconscious biases, take action to become anti-racist, and then share learning with other colleagues. Essential viewing for clinical educators, team leads, managers, those working in HEIs and anyone aspiring to be in these positions.
Cass Macgregor (Clinical Specialist in Pain Management and PPA member) completed a service evaluation of an acceptance based pain management programme that highlighted 'acceptance' as an important component of the intervention. This work has led to a Glasgow Caledonian University and NHS Lanarkshire jointly funded PhD. In her blog, 'Lived experience, inequalities and the generation of knowledge', Cass explores the importance of diversifying the way participants are recruited for research to improve the relevance of the knowledge generated to the populations served by Pain Management Services.
The systems in our society that opress certain voices and centres the experience of homogeonous groups leads to a data gap that impacts health and well being. The Physiotherapy Pain Association recognises that significant work is needed to bring about change, but as a profession, cannot afford not to.
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